The Seven Ancient Wonders Of The World

The seven wonders of the world or the seven ancient wonders of the world is a remarkable list constructed for classical antiquity given by various history writters and poems among ancient Hellenic tourists. Although the list did not stabilise until the Renaissance, the first such lists of the seven wonders started from the 1st-2nd century BC.
The original list inspired innumerable versions through the ages, often listing seven entries. The list is rated from:

Of the original seven wonders only the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is the oldest ancient wonders remains relatively intact, although majority of facade are gone.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built between 2584BC-2561 BC. It's located at Giza Necropolis on the west bank of the Nile River north of Cairo.

According to ancient Greek peots, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built around 600 BC near the Euphrates River in modern day Iraq by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzarㅍ. The king allegedly built the towering gardens to ease his lover Amytis homesickness for the natural beauty of her home in media (the northwestern part of modern day iran).
The gardens were said to have been planted as high as 75 feet in the air on a huge square brick terrace that was laid out in steps like a theater.
Although it's said to had exist but there is no trace of it nor the cause of destruction.

There was actually more than one Temple of Artemis. Artemis had several altars and temples but they where destroyed and then restored in the same place in Ephesus, a Greek port city on the west coast of modern day Turkey. The most fabulous of these structures where two marble temples built around 550 BC and again 323 BC.
The temple was destroyed by Herostratus around 356 BC and by Ostrogoths in AD 262.

The famous statue of Zeus was crafted by the Greek sculptor Phidias and completed and placed in the temple of Zeus at Olympia.
The statue depicted the god of thunder seated bare chested at a wooden throne. Holding up the thrones' armrests were two carved sphinxes, mythical body of lion and the wings of a bird. The statue of Zeus was richly decorated with gold and ivory. The height of the statue was 40 feet.
The statue of Zeus was disassembled and reassembled at Constantinople; later destroyed by fire around the 5th-6th centuries AD.

Located in what is now known as southeastern Turkey, the mausoleum at halicarnassus was a tomb built around 350 BC by Artemisia for her husband, mausolus , the king of carnia in Asia minor after his death.
It was destroyed around 12th-15th centuries AD by an earthquake.

The colossus was an enormous bronze sculpture of the sun god Helios built by the rhodians over 12 years around 292 BC-280 BC.
The sculpture stood for sixty years until it was toppled in an earthquake.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was located on a small island called pharos near the city of Alexandria. Designed by the Greek architect sostratos and ptolernaic Egyptians and was completed around 270 BC during the reign of Ptolemyㅍ , the lighthouse helped to guide Nile River ships in and out of the city's busy harbor.
The lighthouse estimated height range from 200 to 600 feet, most modern scholars believe it was about 380 feet tall.
The lighthouse gradually was destroyed due to series of earthquakes from AD 1303-1480.


  1. The 7 Ancient Wonders of The World were: the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The Colossus of Rhodes. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt.


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